Melrose Tamuke is an Entrepreneur (Mel’s Makeover) and the founder of Sierra Leone Dream Alive Youths Organisation. She is not only involved in female empowerment, but also in advocating for the youth and children of society. Melrose is a final year student at the Institute of Public Administration and Management studying Business Administration and specialising in Human Resource Management.

1. Why did you choose to start up your own business?

I started my business because I needed to be independent and be a source of motivation for young girls. It is very challenging to be independent. Getting out of your comfort zone and go into the unknown. It’s a risk on its own and I decided to take that risk.

2. What inspires you?

There are two things that inspire me, the past and the future. The past mistakes and hardship inspire me to work harder. The future encourages me to be the best of me. Whenever I am out there doing my job or advocating and encounter challenges, I just picture myself in the future and calm down. I know things would eventually work out for me, no matter how tough it gets.

3. How do you cope with School, managing your business and also being the CEO of a Non-Governmental Organisation?

It is not an easy task, but it starts with determination and sacrifice. A lot of things would come up that you need to ignore in order to fulfil these responsibilities. It has been a very hard journey but I am managing and learning.

4. What advice do you have for the ladies reading this interview?

There is always a brighter future for every one of us. It’s either we don’t see it or we don’t go for it. It’s never too late to start up a career and to become who you want to be, despite our past mistakes and fears. It all sums up to the delay of achieving our goals. If I can do it, I believe you can do it too. Remember you are the designer of your future. Change starts with you and if you can’t change your situation no one else will, you are the CEO of your life. We need to prioritise our goals and things will eventually fall in place.


Marian Sarian Scotland-Nicol is a 3rd year student Business Administration major at the Institute of Public Administration and Management at the University of Sierra Leone. She is also a Make-up artist, marketer for Home-made furniture and a plus size model.